Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a place. She lived with her mother, who had a funny voice and stirred a comically large ...
Les Miserables, Prufrock, and Imagery
I saw Les Miserables at Village Theatre opening night. I had a good time, so let me say some good things first: The set is fantastic, and a lot of ...
Gender, Storytelling and Culture
All this pitting of sex against sex, of quality against quality; all this claiming of superiority and imputing of inferiority belong to the ...
The Dark Forest Of SadProv
“Nothing is as poor and melancholy as an art that is interested in itself and not its subject.” –Santayana Ever watched or performed in a vague, ...
Improv Ensemble Auditions
Unexpected Productions auditioned about seventy people last weekend, and cast six improvisers to join the Seattle Theatresports ensemble. There are ...
Quotes from Non-Improvisers That Apply To Improv
What follows are a lot of quotes that I pulled from a painting book (Charles Dunn’s Conversations in Paint), plus a couple of extras. They all ...
Starting Fresh
I've had blogs, journals, and random collections of ramblings before, but I wanted to get a fresh start, from where I am in my life today, as an ...